I get so many questions on how I preserve my hair at night to achieve 2nd and third day hair. I even achieved 5th day hair out of a rod set once. Yes you heard that right! 5th day hair! Can I get an Amen? The key is to pineapple your hair at night. What is pineappling? Pineappling is described as A quick nighttime styling method to preserve your hair at night to achieve multiple days of your hairstyle. We all want to keep our twist outs lasting!! I will give you a quick rundown and what you will need in order to pineapple your hair.
Here is what you will need:
Large bonnet
Satin scrunchie or oversized headband
Satin pillowcase if you prefer not go use a bonnet
Follow these steps for Pineappling the hair:
Step 1
Gather your hair at the top of your head in the middle
Step 2 use your scrunchie to secure your hair in a ponytail at the top of your head. Make sure your hair is in the middle of your head
Step 3
Cover your hair with your satin bonnet – I use an oversized bonnet since I have a lot of hair.
And that’s basically it!
I try to sleep on the side of my head so that I wont flatten the top. Make sure to keep your pineapple high enough at the top so that you can sleep on the sides comfortably.
Keep your hair oiled as well to prevent frizz. As it gets older try not to touch it as much so that your hair does. to become frizzy. I know this is hard ladies! Especially if you suffer from (HIH) hand in hair syndrome lol, but trust me you want to keep your tresses Looking cute at all times
What technique do you use to preserve your hairstyles?
The post How To Pineapple Your Hair To Achieve 5th Day Hair!! appeared first on Happily Ever Natural.